Skill Building Resources Review and use the information provided in the Skill-B


Skill Building Resources
Review and use the information provided in the Skill-Building and Practice section located after the Getting Started Module.
Here is a sample presentation: (Sample Attached Below Titled: Sample)
Here is a downloadable document of the assignment information: (Sample Attached Below Titled: Module 3 Workflow)
Scenario: (My Program is MSN in Nursing Leadership)
MSN Administration Students
MSN Students – Other Programs
As a nurse leader, you received information that there is an increasing number of adverse drug events in the organization, and the President of the organization requested a report showing the current data. Before developing a quality improvement initiative, you must first determine the reasons for the adverse drug events. You will need to compile and analyze the data for the report.
Please read the instructions carefully!
To begin the assignment, click and download the Excel spreadsheet titled “Data file-Adverse Drug Events – Student copy (Sample Attached Below Titled: Data File)Once you click download, locate the Download files on your computer. Open the file, and it will open in Excel.
Note: The data contained in this assignment is fictional, and none of the patient information represents real patients. The data is retrieved from a software source, EHR Go, which is software used for educational purposes.
Using the spreadsheet, identify the following data elements for the Adverse Drug Events:Using Excel:Adverse Drug Events by reason, including the number for each reason, then calculate the percentage
Adverse Drug Events by gender, including the number for each gender, then calculate the percentage
Adverse Drug Events by race/ethnicity, including the number for each race/ethnicity group, then calculate the percentage
Create a bar chart showing the data for the Adverse Drug Events by Reason and include the following elements. Refer to the sample. Title for the graph
Title for x-axis
Title for y-axis
Label the data (number and percentage of Adverse Drug Events by reason)
Create a table showing the Adverse Drug Events by Gender (with number and percentage)
Create a table showing the Adverse Drug Events by Race/Ethnicity (with number and percentage)
Create a slide presentation (PowerPoint, etc) with the following content. Refer to the sample provided as a resource.Title slide (I will modify this slide to make it correct, just make a generic APA title slide)
Purpose of data analysis (Support with two (2) journal articles) – The intent is the overall purpose for data analysis and not necessarily specific to this scenario.
Graph for Adverse Drug Events by Reason (with details provided above)
Table for Adverse Drug Events Reason by Gender (with details provided above)
Table for Adverse Drug Events Reason by Race/Ethnicity (with details provided above)
References in APA format (3-5 references, must be within 5 years from this year)
Each slide except the title slide and reference slide must have speakers notes on what you will say to present each slide. The note section is at the bottom of each slide, to reveal this section pull up on the bottom slide bar.


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