For Your Initial Post In your Subject Line, write a descriptive title that


For Your Initial Post
In your Subject Line, write a descriptive title that is appropriate and makes sense to you!
In the Body of your post, address the following:

Looking at the results on your Table 9.1 Assessment Beliefs and Practices… 

Are there any statements where there was a significant difference between how you rated Desirability and Implementation? 
What do your results tell you about your approach to assessment?  

Looking at your results for Exhibit 9.1: Self-Checklist: Promoting Assessment for Learning…

Are there areas you could target for improving your own assessment practice? Why or why not?

Looking at your responses on both of the instruments…

How might “understanding how you assess” help you when working with teachers, school librarians, and other educators to design, implement, and evaluate technology-enhanced instruction?


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