For many years, processes to ensure quality patient care and employee satisfaction have been in place. You might hear these processes referred to as Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Management (QM), Total Quality Management (TQM), Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), and Performance Improvement (PI). The strategy is to chose an indicator to be monitored, collect data, analyze the data, and make improvements where necessary by educating employees, upgrading technology, changing products, etc. Typically, data is collected and measured monthly and graphed for easy viewing of improvement or areas in need of improvement. These charts are taken to committees or PI teams to analyze and formulate action plans for improvement in deficient areas. An indicator must be measurable and thresholds must be established using best practices or guidance from regulations. Chart audits are conducted routinely to measure the indicators for PI. Surveys are given to measure some processes while some might be measured by direct observation. Tools, such as checklists and computer software, are used to collect data. After reading the textbook chapters and PI (performance improvement) lecture this week and after researching current, credible sources related to PI in a healthcare setting, pick 3 quality measures/indicators listed on the AHRQ (Agency for Research and Quality) website: Then, in 1-2 pages, discuss the importance of performance improvement (PI) in the provision of quality health care and to a safe environment for all. Refer to the PI chart below, and include how your data will be specifically collected for meaningful measurement and why you chose thresholds for acceptable compliance (%). Download the basic PI chart as seen below, by clicking here. Complete the basic performance improvement (PI) chart using fictional data depicting end results of the quality measures you chose. Complete quarterly compliance percentages as well as action plans for data that presented a problem. In the Dropbox, attach your chart as a separate document. Performance Indicator Threshold % Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Action Plan