Leadership Potential Showcase any leadership roles you’ve held in nursing, demon


Leadership Potential
Showcase any leadership roles you’ve held in nursing, demonstrating your ability to guide colleagues, advocate for patients, and contribute to quality improvement initiatives.
(I started working as an ER nurse in Bronx, NY since November 2023. The position has offered me the ability to be a quick thinker and able perform a rapid assessment in a fast paced environment initiating life saving interventions such as the application of advanced cadiac life saving support and trauma protocols. I also work in a nursing home as a Nursing Supervisor where I supervise a group of RNs and LPNs on patient care and do advocacy for the the residents).
Specific NP Specialization and career goals
Clearly state the NP specialty youre interested in and explain how this aligns with your longterm career aspirations.
(I am interesting in the Family Nurse Practioner concentration. My long-term goal is to work in the underserved communities such as South Bronx, NY providing care for the uninsured, the poor and the homeless. Be able to secure funding to establish a clinic to help the needy).
Relevant Coursework
Mention any specific course(s) that have deepened your understanding of advanced practice nursing.
(I enjoyed community nursing during BSN program. I had the opportunity to buddy up with Nurse Practitioners to visit homes of the elderly and the disabled to provide medical care. We also provided workshops for middle and high schoolers on topics such as smoke prevention, seat belt safely and alcohol use).
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