Please I expect a thoughtfully written thoroughly researched and intriguing rese


Please I expect a thoughtfully written thoroughly researched and intriguing research paper on the topic below. Please refer to the syllabus and sources provided.
Incorporate your own primary research paper of high-quality sources. Feel free to slightly tilt the topic to suit your background but must be related to the class materials/syllabus.
The final paper is a 10-15-page essay.
Final papers are based on primary and secondary source materials, the paper should explore topics and specific regional trajectories with references to broader historical contexts, comparative frameworks, and theories drawn from assigned and additional readings.
Chosen topic: What was the role of queen mothers in maintaining socio-political balance in pre-colonial Ghana? (Feel free to revise it).
Assigned class readings (use some of these sources as a way to incorporate class discussion into the paper)
I have attached a plan/guideline for the essay. Please use it to write the essay.
Thank you.


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