Based on your careful reading of Jame Cone’s chapter “Speaking the Truth” from G


Based on your careful reading of Jame Cone’s chapter “Speaking the Truth” from God of the Oppressed, explain how the author relates Black experience, Scripture and Jesus Christ as sources for doing theology (cf. esp. pgs 28-35). Note that your exposition of Cone’s position should take up the body of your theological brief (2-3 paragraphs).
Based on this week’s reading from Barth’s Dogmatics in Outline (pgs. 15-34), where do you see similarities and differences between their views on the sources and norm/s of revelation? Pick ONE simillarity (or perhaps two closely related ones) and ONE difference that you can present coherently and weave together into the final paragraph of your brief. Note: You can use 2 full pages for this brief!


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