important one of the reference need to be from this book Title: McEwen, M. & Wil


important one of the reference need to be from this book Title: McEwen, M. & Wills, E. (2023). Theoretical basis for nursing (6th ed.).
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer. and the other refernce from a PEER REVIEW JOURNAL UNITED STATE.
Compose a 2-page scholarly paper on a nursing theory. Select any middle-range theory from chapter 11 in the course textbook (excluding those listed in the tables) and address the following: purpose, major concepts, its context for use/nursing implications, evidence of empirical testing, and application for nursing practice. Note: You must use a theory you have not used for past discussion postings or written assignments. Paper requires a minimum of two references: one from a peer-reviewed NURSING journal (less than 5 years-old), which speak to nursing practice in the U.S., and one from the course textbook.
*The maximum number of references allowed= 4
APA format required, which includes separate title and reference pages, a running head, and page numbers.
Level one headings are required.


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