Please respond to the following 2 posts First post Jones- The healthcare deliver


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First post
The healthcare delivery system entails a myriad of careorganizations and professionals who valuably contribute to the care process. The system is essentially classified into 4 primary components: services (public health services), care personnel/providers (public health nursing), consumers (those receiving medical care) and payment (paying methods for care services) (Wallace et al., 2020). An effective healthcare system has well-trained, competent and motivated personnel such as nurses, doctors, nurse aids, lab technicians among others. A community that has competent public health nurses would achieve the intended healthcare outcomes. The leading public health services are investigating, monitoring and managing the public’s health, diagnosing conditions, enlightening the public on crucial health matters and creating health policies (Wallace et al., 2020). Other care services entail enactment of health laws, linking consumers to care, assessing care services’ efficacy and health researches. To ensure the smooth flow of care services, a care system must have in place viable payment methods to reimburse what it delivers. The most common payment method is public insurance like the Medicare and Medicaid which are the leading governmental health insurances. Finally, a care delivery has consumers, who are individuals seeking either preventive or curative care whether within or outside the care facilities.
In my nursing practice experience, I use most of the public health services to tend to clients within the community. For instance, I usually investigate the community members’ healthconditions for appropriate diagnosis and treatment plans. I also incorporate patient education in the care process to enlighten patients/community members on crucial health matters concerning their condition, treatment and medications which enhances their conditions (Crowell & Boynton, 2020).
Crowell, D. M., & Boynton, B. (2020). Complexity leadership: nursing’s role in health care delivery. FA Davis.
Wallace, M., Sharfstein, J., & Lessler, J. (2020). Performance and priorities: a cross-sectional study of local health department approaches to essential public health services. Public health reports, 135(1), 97-106.
Second post
Various components function together to ensure that healthcare delivery systems (HDS) works adequately. These components include medical care financing, insurance coverage, delivery, and payment. These function together to ensure quality care to the public (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2020). Financing is a significant part of any healthcare delivery since it enables the constant operation of any health institution. Public health providers such as hospitals need money to ensure that operations like powering vital medical equipment and systems remain uninterrupted. Financing According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2020), the American government has shifted its attention to promoting the country’s healthcare system by containing the cost of financing medical care. However, while financing is a significant component of the health care delivery system, it cannot function independently.
Insurance is the second component and generally, the more people with medical insurance coverage, the easier it is to access healthcare services in the US. Increasing healthcare insurance coverage for the public is another reform that the government proposed to help improve HDSs. Initiatives such as Medicaid and Medicare have significantly increased medical access to the US public and represent almost forty percent of the country’s healthcare expenditure (Gee et al., 2021). Delivery of public health services is essentially done using the Health Services Pyramid (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2020). The pyramid involves disease prevention, health promotion, and primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare. Public health nursing plays a significant role in ensuring the population receives adequate education on good health habits and disease prevention and in promoting clinical healthcare services (Muntean et al., 2023). As with any other service industry, the payments for services offered to ensure its continuous operation. Patients have multiple payment avenues that make seeking healthcare services affordable. The most favorable is through paying for health insurance available to the public. However, there is the option to make out-of-pocket payments, which can be very expensive.
During my prior experience working in sub-acute care, I encountered a patient who required nursing care and as well as Physical and occupational therapy to recover fully. Unfortunately, insurance coverage decided to discharge the patient early, leaving him with option of either bearing the cost of his stay out of pocket or returning home with limited services. Regrettably he chose the latter and ended up being re-hospitalized earlier than anticipated due to inadequate recovery.
Gee, R. E., Shulkin, D., & Romm, I. (2021). A blueprint for comprehensive Medicaid Reform. JAMA, 325(7), 619. Muntean A, Tomita M, Ungureanu R. The Role of the Community Nurse in Promoting Health and Human Dignity-Narrative Review Article. Iran J Public Health. 2013 Oct;42(10):1077-84. PMID: 26060614; PMCID: PMC4436534.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2020). Factors Influencing Nursing in Community and Population Health. In Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (10th ed.). Chapter, Elsevier.


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