The way we’ll do this is through some reflective writing. This is going to serve


The way we’ll do this is through some reflective writing. This is going to serve as a “justification” of your tech topic as one to research for the next couple months/weeks that the class is going to progress. In your roughly 200 word justification of your tech topic, I want you to consider why your tech topic is timely (belonging to this particular moment), worth researching (what kinds of research is associated with it/how much), and–of course–why it ultimately matters to culture, since our class is about “technology and culture.” Below these directions here in this assignment section on Canvas are samples of what this style of writing looks like from previous Engl 102 students of mine–use these as a model: this document is called “Sample Tech Topic Justifications.” Attach your final piece of writing to a created thread as a word document in .doc or .docx format to the Activity 4 forum link below (please no .pages format). I want you to have a proper MLA heading at the top of the page; we’re doing this for practice for our later major assignments/papers–refer to the “MLA Help and Formatting Guide; Purdue Owl” link under “Necessary Course Info.” for a proper MLA heading example.
I want my topic to be “The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Society.” This can go further into the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI technology in various aspects such as healthcare, education, employment, and privacy. Also, the potential impact on human relationships and decision-making. This needs to be roughly a little over 200 words and in MLA format.


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