Read Architectural Programming, by Edith Cherry, FAIA, ASLA and John Petronis, AIA, AICP, including some of the Additional Resources
Read AIA Document B202 – 2020 Standard Form of Architect’s Services: Programming (see uploaded documents)
Identify a building program from a prior or current project, and prepare a (not less than) two to (not more than) four-page summary. Address the points raised in the above article.
Format: 12 pt. font
Times New Roman
1 in. margins
1½ line spacing (not 1½ in. line spacing)
Page numbers
References: All information that comes from sources other than inside your head must be cited. Use the IEEE Citation Format (see uploaded document). A reference (source and page) need only be cited the first time it is used in a paragraph as long as another source (a different source, or a different part of the same source) is not used subsequently in that paragraph.
– 5 Failed to use IEEE format
-15 No references or citations
-10 Only citations in text
– 5 No citations in text
– 5 Weak citations and references