Make sure your post is 250 words minimum
Make sure you answer another student’s post.
Make sure you find a source to justify the opinions you state in your post. Cite you source both in the text and as a reference. Please consult the APA Citing Instructions if you don’t know how to cite. Find an interesting fact about the brain or neuroscience and share it with the class.
1.Summarize the fact
2. Tell me what’s interesting about it
3. Explain how studying it can be important in people’s every day lives
The interesting fact I found is about brain freezes. That’s something I always dread in the beginning of summer when I’m so eager to start drinking those infamous 7 Eleven “slushies” again. According to a 2013 article in Science Daily, a brain freeze is a type of headache. The phenomenon is called sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. There are no pain receptors in the brain but the brain doesn’t like sudden changes. These freezes are a way for your body to tell you to slow down. There are many blood vessels in our mouths; the rapid changes in temperature in the back of our throat where two important arteries meet is sensed by receptors in the outer layer of the brain called the meninges. The cold creates dilation and contraction (basically blood vessels opening and closing rapidly) that is interpreted by the brain as pain (see chapter 4 to understand more about pain). The article adds that in order to stop a brain freeze, you can put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. I just suck my thumb, it does the trick!
Brain freezes, are not dangerous and do not cause long-term effects. Why do scientists study brain freezes? In this article, authors point out that understanding brain freezes can help understand other types of headaches and possibly finding better treatments for patients. Many people suffer from debilitating headaches such as migraines and it would be unethical (remember I talked about ethics in chapter 1) to create them in people just to study the phenomenon.
If you wish to read the article, you can click on this link: . Science Daily has many other articles on the nervous system and the brain.
Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. (2013, May 22). Neuroscientists explain how the sensation of brain freeze works.