Hello, I have provided the instructions below and attached what needs to be used. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you
Research an organized crime figure or group in the United States and design a PPT to present the main findings of your study.
1. Below are links as a reference, from which you can choose the organized crime group you are interested. However, you can also study an organized crime group not included in the below links.
2. The PPT you submitted should include three main parts: 1) the background of the group, 2) the types of crimes involved, and 3) use two theories to explain the behaviors (Please refer to Abadinsky’s chapter 2 or Roth’s chapter 2 if you don’t know what criminological theory can be applied to explain the OC group).
3. Please use both Abadinsky (2012) and Roth (2017) as your references and cite from both books. When creating a PowerPoint, you’ll need to cite your sources both in the text of your presentation and on a references slide at the end.
4. Please read the rubric before you get started.
here are the two books that needs to be used
Abadinsky, H. (2012). Organized crime (11th ed.). Wadsworth/Cengage.
Roth, M. P. (2017). Global organized crime: a reference handbook. 1st or 2nd Edition. Abc-Clio Inc.