Articles must be from 2018 that you use.
Locate at least five peer-reviewed articles that related to the topic you chose from the
module information; it is advisable to find more to make sure you have a solid five
articles that fit the assignment. These peer-reviewed articles must be conducted via a U.S.
context or similar context (i.e., England and the Commonwealth Nations). Review the
methods for participants as well as the scholars’ affiliate university to help locate the
focus of the article.
4. Submit the annotated bibliographies using the course schedule.
Requirements and Grading
The annotated bibliographies should be submitted using the APA format. Thus, your
assignments should include at least 1) title page and 2) main body of writing (annotated
bibliography). Each annotation should be in paragraph format and contain all the parts of the
annotation described above. Grading will be determined on having at least five peer-reviewed
articles, a cogent and complete annotation, grammar, and APA, per the annotated bibliography
rubric. Further, DO NOT QUOTE THE ARTICLES. All writing must be summaries of the work
in your own words. All articles must be published since 2018.