1. How has the field of Applied Behavior Analysis evolved from the 1980s to now?
2. What positive changes have occurred and what do you think might have been the catalyst for that change?
3. In “A Perspective on Today’s ABA,” Dr. Hanley includes four subheadings “Learn by Listening,” “Learn by Creating Joy,” “Learn by Empowering,” and “Learn while Teaching.” Select one of these subheadings, discuss what this means to you, and what this might look like in practice with clients.
4. Discuss one of the seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis (beginning on page 16 in Chapter 1 of your text, Applied Behavior Analysis) and describe why it is important to the field.
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Discipline: Topics in ABA
the book is Applied Behavior Analysis (John O. Cooper; Timothy E. Heron; William L. Heward) Third edition