hello i am working in question (Discussion question ) I attached the question an


hello i am working in question (Discussion question ) I attached the question and the instruction inside the please do everything step by step as required by instruction the question needs in two files one word file and the another one is (power points file 7 pages but in the note of power point file explain for each page
the instruction should be do it for question
I attached question below in the file and the instruction of question below attached it
Instruction 1 ( write main discussion question + two explanation why choose this answer )
the first one is discussion question the need to write main discussion question 400 words with four reference APA 7 edition and give me (two explanation) why choose the answer of main discussion question )each explanation 300 words with 3 reference.
when write the answer (should be each question but the main question or main point in Bold color then the answer below the question or main point with different color to distinguish between question and answer
Instruction 2- ( reply two student)
need to reply two student each one 300 words should have reference and citation in paragraphs applied for the reply for student I need separate file for the reply for student with reference ( put in each file answer the name like reply student file one and reply in student file two )
instruction 3 ( no plagiarism )
no any answer should be from any answer from website like ( study pool or course hero)or any other website or artificial intelligence should be from articles this home work submit to check Turnitin and AI contact detector ( AI Text Classifier) found any thing get zero grade
instruction 4 ( reference with link)
provide me in the file included the reference for all articles the use it answer the question and put behind each link the number of pages of this article the used in answer this question
instruction 5 give me summery paragraph about the answer main question
The question is Compare and contrast the potential design trade-offs involved when designing a specific decision support or expert system:
Directly from tools vs. using a DSS appliance or expert system shell


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