Paper One: Response Essay
Task: You are to read Gerard Jones’s “Violent Media is Good for Kids” (link posted in this module)… and write a critical response to his argument. Please review all materials posted in this module for instructions and further details.
Format: Your essay should amount to a minimum of two full pages, double-spaced, in MLA (8th edition) format. Paper is required to include in-text citations and a Works Cited page to avoid plagiarism.
Grade: Paper One is worth 100 points
Sources: You are only required to use the article “Violent Media is Good for Kids” for this essay. However, if you choose to include any information from outside sources, you still MUST cite them to avoid plagiarism. General Paper Guidelines:
Follow MLA guidelines carefully when formatting your paper.
If you cite Jones’s argument, you are required to use correct MLA in-text citations as well as include a Works Cited page.
You may use first person point of view in this essay.
Proofread carefully for spelling, punctuation, and mechanical errors. Your papers should be free of these. Also, write in a clear and professional tone that is appropriate for a college-level paper. Review Questions:1. Are all of your citations for the article in correct MLA 8th edition format? Remember, you need BOTH in-text citations and a Works Cited to avoid plagiarism.2. Does your paper reach the minimum requirement of two full pages? If not, what is missing or can be added? You may go over two pages if needed. The Works Cited should be in addition to this minimum.3. Is there enough reference to the article “Violent Media is Good for Kids” throughout the body of this paper? Do you include examples and evidence from the article? If not, where should these details be added? You may quote, paraphrase, and/or summarize from the article (See Outline).4. Overall, do you think this paper follows the prompt of a response essay? What do you think are some strengths or weaknesses?5. Do you have a thesis statement at the end of your introduction paragraph? (Refer to These Statement Power Point for examples).6.Do you have a conclusion paragraph? (See Outline for details).