Elizabeth Burke has identified some additional questions she would like you to answer:
According to the 2014 Customer Survey worksheet, are there significant differences in ratings of specific product/service attributes?
According to the worksheet On-Time Delivery, has the proportion of on-time deliveries in 2018 significantly improved since 2014?
Have the data in the worksheet Defects After Delivery changed significantly over the past five years?
Although engineering has collected data on alternative process costs for building transmissions in the worksheet Transmission Costs, why didn’t they reach a conclusion as to whether one of the proposed processes is better than the current process?
According to the data in the worksheet Employee Retention, are there differences in employee retention due to gender, college graduation status, or whether the employee is from the local area?
Conduct appropriate statistical analyses and hypothesis tests to answer these questions and summarize your results in a formal report to Ms. Burke. Upload your Word document AND your Excel worksheet file to the assignment drop box.
The assignment should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins
Use APA for citing references and quotations
See the case study rubric below for more details
You are expected to write primarily in your own voice, using paraphrase, summary, and synthesis techniques when integrating information from class and outside sources. Use an author’s exact words only when the language is especially vivid, unique, or needed for technical accuracy. Failure to do so may result in charges of academic dishonesty.
Overusing an author’s exact words, such as including block quotations to meet word counts, may lead your readers to conclude that you lack appropriate comprehension of the subject matter or that you are neither an original thinker nor a skillful writer.