You will find the following articles in Galileo. After reviewing each article, respond to the identified questions in complete sentences. Article #1
Brown, T. (2008, June). Design thinking. Harvard Business Review, 84–9
Article #1 Questions
1) What are the three key spaces of design thinking? Please define each of the key spaces.
2) Discuss how the inspiration space is implemented in Design Thinking? State one example to support your response as illustrated in the text.
3) Discuss how the ideation space is implemented in Design Thinking? How does prototyping play a role in this space? How does convergent and divergent thinking play a role in the ideation space?
4) Discuss how the implementation space is carried out in Design Thinking? State one example to support your response as illustrated in the text.
5) Identify three interesting facts about Design Thinking not yet stated in your responses to these questions.
Article #2
Kelley, T., & Kelley, D. (2012). Reclaim your creative confidence. Harvard Business Review, pp 115-118.
Article #2 Questions
1) What are four key aspects of creative confidence as discussed by Kelley?
2) Discuss how creative confidence can be illustrated in the inspiration space as discussed in this article. Please give an example to support your response.
3) Discuss how creative confidence can be illustrated in the ideation space as discussed in the stated article. Please give an example to support your response.
4) Discuss how creative confidence can be illustrated in the implementation space as discussed in the stated article. Please give an example to support your response.
5) Identify one interesting point about creative confidence not yet discussed in your responses.