Calvin is a 36-year-old lawyer who is coming in today for a worsening cough over


Calvin is a 36-year-old lawyer who is coming in today for a worsening cough over the past four days. He has had some yellow sputum sporadically throughout the day; he says he has felt hot but has not taken his temperature. He has a history of asthma and has been using his Proventil inhaler every 2 to 3 hours for the past 3 to 4 days. He has no other medication. He says that other than the cough, he feels a little fatigued, and he notices that his energy level is less when he plays hockey with his men’s league twice a week.  His SaO2 is 96%, HR 102, and BP 144/82. He has bilateral wheezes posteriorly on inspiration, worse at the base.


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