Assessment Fact Sheets
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to select and analyze appropriate directly administered assessment tools for the identification of at-risk and special needs children.
Background: Your facility is looking to purchase new assessment tools to help in the identification of young children with possible developmental delays. As the director you have been tasked by the board of directors to create two fact sheets to help them decide on the items they wish to purchase.
A fact sheet is a short document that summarizes key information about a topic in a clear and concise way. Fact sheets are often one page long and can be typed or handwritten. They are often used to provide information to consumers, members of the public, or end users. The goal of a fact sheet is to provide a quick overview that highlights key details, benefits, and statistics in an easily digestible format.
Directions: For this assignment you will research assessment tools that support the identification of at-risk or special needs. View a list of developmental assessment instruments from the New York State Department of Health. After reviewing and researching, pick two tools that you will create facts sheets for. You must pick two assessment tools that include children from birth to at least age three and that help to identify at least two different kinds of at-risk or special education needs.
You may use the following template to create your fact sheet or create your own.
Your tool should include the following information:
Provide the name and the purpose of the tool.
What type of tool is it and what ages does the tool cover?
Make sure to identify if the tool is taken by the child or the parent provides this information.
Make sure to tell how long the tool typically takes to administer.
Share the benefits and limitations of using this kind of assessment tool.
How does the tool help to identify students that are at risk or in need of special services?
You should analyze how the tool supports developmentally appropriate practices by connecting to at least two of NAEYC’s indicators of effectiveness (from your reading).
You should also address how the tool supports diversity, equity and inclusion.