1. Review Use of Natural Experiment and Exhibit 1-2 Snow’s account of Cholera outbreak (Snow on Cholera), in the textbook Friss and Sellers Chapter 1, Pages 29 – 35.
2. Describe the term ” Natural Experiment”
3. What do you believe was the purpose of each of the following observation by Snow?
a. “small white, flocculent particles” in the water from the Broad Street pump
b. the location of cholera deaths as shown in Figure 1-12
c. people who died avoided the pump in Malborough Street and instead had the water from the Broad Street pump
d. “the greatest number of attacks in any one day occurred on the 1st of September,…..”
e. “On September 8th – the day when the handle of the pump was removed….” To what extent do you think removing the pump handle was effective in stopping the disease outbreak?
Friss: Epidemiology for public Health Practice – Chapter 1
Friss: Exhibit 1-2 Snow on Cholera