You will select a specific diagnostic population to research for this paper. Thi


You will select a specific diagnostic population to research for this paper. This population will be used in all your subsequent assignments for the class. Be specific (i.e., not psychiatric disorders – but rather depression or major depressive episodes. Rather than IDD – select Down’s Syndrome. If you select ASD – identify more specifically the level) If you have questions about the population you have selected, check with the instructor by email or text. This will be a very focused paper (3-5 pages) on your selected population that will include:
Medications/Medical interventions for this population
Common Characteristics/Needs of this population
Leisure Barriers this population might face
TR/RT interventions commonly used with this population (identify which are evidence-based)
Identify 1 or more treatment facilities or agencies that provide TR/RT services for this population
(Use APA 7 formatting and a minimum of three references)


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