Minimum 500 words (approximately two pages double space)
Typed doubled spaced in 12 font (Arial, Calibri, or Times New Romans)
Margins: 1″ on left; 1″ top, bottom, and right
Pages numbered bottom right
Title page: Title of the assignment (e.g. Critical Engagement Paper – How Christianity Changed the World by Alvin Schmidt
Discuss and interact with the main evidence and arguments of Christianity’s contributions to positively changing the world. Engage and discuss ideas and thoughts you found interesting or helpful to you or things with which you might disagree in these chapters. Then reflect on it. Don’t just summarize what the text says. Think about what the concept (idea, etc.) means to you. Why does this particular idea stand out to you? Critically engage the point—I don’t want you to just tell me the point, summarize the point, or describe the point. Tell me why this point or idea or passage that you chose is significant. This requires some thinking. Think about these kind of things: a) Whatever it is that the author is saying, what are the consequences of accepting it as true?
b) What are the consequences of rejecting it? c) What does this tell us about contemporary American/Christian culture? d) Why is this important to know?
You don’t need to address any or all of these questions, but I want you to think about why a certain part of this text would be significant. I want most of your paper to be your voice telling me the significance of some part of the text that caught your attention or made you think.