Week 1 (Perry and Lindell, Ch. 1 “Introduction to Emergency Planning”) For this


Week 1
(Perry and Lindell, Ch. 1 “Introduction to
Emergency Planning”)
For this week’s readings, identify one point you found interesting or noteworthy, and identify a real-world example or application from recent disasters as identified in press, government or non-profit agency, or media reports. (250 words minimum) Week 2 Readings
Perry and Lindell, Ch. 2 “The Emergency
Conceptions of the Planning
Planning Process” FEMA CPG 101, Ch. 1, 4
For this week’s readings, identify one point you found interesting or noteworthy, and identify a real-world example or application from recent disasters as identified in press, government or non-profit agency, or media reports. (250 words minimum)
Week 3 Readings
– Social Science Theory of Disaster Preparedness
– Fostering Successful Emergency Planning
– Protective Actions
Perry and Lindell, Ch. 3 and 4
For this week’s readings, identify one point you found interesting or noteworthy, and identify a real-world example or application from recent disasters as identified in press, government or non-profit agency, or media reports. (250 words minimum)
Week 4 Readings
Perry and Lindell, Ch. 7
FEMA CPG 101 Ch. 3
– Structuring Emergency Plans
– Identifying Hazards and Federal Risk Assessment Methodology
For this week’s readings, identify one point you found interesting or noteworthy, and identify a real-world example or application from recent disasters as identified in press, government or non-profit agency, or media reports.


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