INSTRUCTIONS Part 1 of the project will contain five principal elements as well


Part 1 of the project will contain five principal elements as well as reference page, listed below. The following items will be submitted in 1 Word document. 1. Create a tile page in APA format. Be sure to note the project as part of your title (e.g. “Project Proposal: World Help Auction and Talent Show Fundraiser”).
2. Provide an overview of your project. Begin be describing your project, why it was chosen and what you hope it will accomplish. Then discuss the importance of identifying stakeholders, analyzing risk, and thinking through communication needs in light of your project. Use research to highlight best practices, trends, or other pertinent information in light of these areas (stakeholder analysis, risk analysis, and communication). This must include at least two resources (academic, peer-reviewed journals or respected trade publications), be in APA format, and be 1-2 pages long (you will include a Reference page at the end of the document). Once you complete the overview, use the “insert break” function to create a new page to add the Project Proposal form to your project. Create a new page for each form/matrix of the project. 3. Create a Project Proposal Form for your project in Microsoft Word. Use Figure 2.5A of the text as a guide.
4. Create a Responsibility Matrix for your project in Microsoft Word or Excel. Use Figures 4.7 or 4.8 of the text as a guide (select the one that best fits your project).
5. Create a Risk Response Matrix for your project in Microsoft Word or Excel. Use Figure 7.8 of the text as a guide. Use the text’s terms for risk responses (e.g. mitigate (describe how), transfer (to whom), etc.), reflecting ways to address the risk, that differ from your contingencies, which are plans to follow should the risk be realized.
6. Create a Project Communication Plan for your project in Microsoft Word. Use Figure 4.10 of the text as a guide. Include at least ten rows of communication needs for your stakeholders.
7. Create a Reference page for materials cited in the Project Proposal Overview.


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