You only have to fill in the applicable parts (dependent on your study) of the form. You, as an individual, will complete this assignment which will then be incorporated into the final group submission.
Words of Wisdom for the Week 5 Assignment
• This is an individual assignment (each student will complete his or her own assignment and submit).
• Research evidence can be a QUALitative or QUANtitative research article. Please note: While a systematic review of the literature with a meta-analysis is considered research, I strongly (and I cannot emphasize this enough) encourage you to NOT select this for your research evidence. If you do you will struggle with future assignments and will not be able to change your article selection, so please take this into consideration as I am trying to set you up for success.
• Non-research evidence can be a systematic/integrative/narrative review of the literature (not a systematic review with meta-analysis), a clinical practice guideline, or anything that is not research.
• No two students can have the same article (research or non-research) so it may be advantageous to work within your group to ensure this does not occur (if it does you will have to determine who will select a new article to complete).
• Make sure to review your APA manual for the appropriate formatting of your paper and references. This is a requirement for the graduate school and (take it from me because I lived it) when you submit your final project for graduation you will not be able to graduate until everything is correct!
I just need someone to go over what I have done and make sure the article I chose will work, I have used the article correctly in filling out information including that it is considered a quantitative research study, correct level has been chosen, and my response to the answers are correct. Make sure I have not messed something up or am missing something.