Think about what you learned from viewing the selected grade level videos you ch


Think about what you learned from viewing the selected grade level videos you chose from “Through Your Child’s Eyes.” Identify the grade level you focused on and summarize the challenges the students faced. Consider the “Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)” and describe what viewing the videos taught you about how dyslexia affects students academically and away from the educational environment and the ethical responsibilities associated with ensuring that the needs of these students are met. In replies to peers, discuss commonalities you see in the realizations you had about the effects of dyslexia and ethical responsibilities that could be associated with this disability and share additional examples of the ethical responsibilities and effects of this disability on students in and away from school.
After answering the discussion question in at least 150 words you will then respond to two classmates with positive helpful inside or your thoughts on what they put for there post. they are discussing the same question.
1. I chose the video of Maya, a second grade student with a reading issue, for the “Through Your Child’s Eye” stimulation. The reason I chose this video is because this is close to the age I teach and I figured it would be interesting to watch and gain from it. Maya had an issue with reading and she mixed up words and sounds. “Other kids were getting done really fast, but I felt like I wasn’t learning,” is what Maya said (, n.d.). Maya said that in the summer she reads books each day and tried to focus on reading each word and sound. She said this helped her. Dyslexia can affect the child’s ability to manipulate and even recognize sounds. This can cause difficulty in the areas of reading, writing, and spelling (Martinelli, 2024.). A child can also be impacted socially from dyslexia since they have difficulty in expressive language and they also may suffer from a lower self esteem (Martinelli, 2024). Recognizing the impacts of dyslexia and providing students with early intervention and special instruction are so important for the success of the child and it is our responsibility as a teacher to make sure that our students get the best possible education possible.
Martinelli, K. (2024). Understanding dyslexia. Child Mind Institute. (n.d). Through your child’s eyes.
2. After viewing Sam’s video from “Through Your Child’s Eyes,” it became apparent that dyslexia can present significant challenges for students in various grade levels. Although Sam is a 12th grader he still struggles significantly with collecting his thoughts and trying to put them down on paper. For instance it was evident that he always practiced writing as a child because he made that clear, but it was harder for him to completely apply his fullest potential because he was focused on the individual letters themselves. Students also struggled with basic tasks like “organizing their thoughts.” The video states that a way for students to be able to fix that is by teaching students how to use their verbal skills to support their writing. Watching this video has taught me that dyslexia can significantly affect a student’s academic performance as well as their overall well-being outside of the classroom. As educators, we have a responsibility to ensure that students with dyslexia have access to the necessary resources and accommodations to help them succeed. The MCEE outlines the ethical responsibilities of educators to ensure that we provide proper opportunities for all students, including those with learning disabilities like dyslexia.


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