This essay (really, more like a mini-essay) will help you practice your analysis


This essay (really, more like a mini-essay) will help you practice your analysis skills and understand the fundamentals of adaptations. In two pages, you will explore the impact of two story “changes” due to genre. In other words, you will answer “What changes did X adaptation make due to Y genre or medium conventions.”
For instance, you might look at how tone and setting was changed in the Once Upon a Time episode in order to bring the “Beauty and Beast” narrative to 21st c. television. Or, you might note many consider Disney’s Cinderella the original, but that you’ll analyze our first recorded version, “Rhodopis”, and the ways the story was impacted by it’s oral and geographic origin.
Rhetorical Situation:
Audience: Your peers and the professor Purpose: To analyze why an artifact has specific plot, character, setting, theme, or adaptations due to a change in genre or medium
Context: Assume your audience has general knowledge about what you’re discussing, but may not have seen the artifact you’re examining. Essay Structure and Minimum Requirements:
Your essay will be a total of 3 paragraphs. No more, no less. Par 1: Because this is a short essay, you will provide a brief one summary paragraph of your reading which should include:
A brief summary of what you deem the “original” story
Your artifact’s (the adaptation) title, author/director, and original publication date.
One to two sentences summarizing the “essence” of the artifact (the adaptation) you’ll examine (might note speaker, plot, etc. – should be clear that this is in fact an adaptation of the original story)
Thesis which clearly identifies which two adaptive elements you’ll discuss and their importance
Par 2: After your introduction, you’ll provide two paragraphs, each one focused on a separate adaptive element. These paragraphs should include:
A clear topic sentence which notes focus of the paragraph
At least one textual example so you show what you’re saying
An explanation of the importance of the quoted material and why it matters (connect back to thesis)
An attempt to cite the work
Point of caution: this is not a comparative essay. You might loosely note the original, but your focus is analyzing the adaptive element and why it exists in this text. Par 3: Repeat steps in par. 2, but with a new element (if you discuss change in character in par 2, perhaps you discuss a change in plot in par. 3)
Some other general requirements:
You do not need a conclusion for this mini-essay, but I do want an attempt at a citation for the reading you chose.
Overall, your essay should include a title and be 12 pt., Times New Roman black font, double spaced. Include a title (try to make it fun!)
Provide a polished essay (please note, I will not be focused on grammar/editing and other lower order concerns. However, your essay should be readable and it should be clear that you’ve attempted to provide a polished work.)
You may explore an artifact from class, or you may choose one from outside of class, but it must be tethered to one of our class readings/viewings in some way.I want to compare between Beauty and the Beast film (2017) and the original film from (1991)This is also an example essay


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