Examine professional behavior that is congruent with the values and ethics of


Examine professional behavior that is congruent with the values and ethics of the human services profession.
In this assignment, you will apply the information you have learned regarding boundaries and dual relationships to the analysis of a real-life scenario.
Assignment Scenario
Ms. Cheney was a case manager at an outpatient clinic providing various services. One of her clients was Ms. Rosalind, who received services due to a recent divorce. Ms. Cheney had also experienced a divorce in her past and thought she had effectively dealt with that experience but found herself identifying with many comments made by Ms. Rosalind.
The two women realized they shared many common interests through their work together. They often found themselves discussing these shared interests in their time together and eventually began meeting for coffee after their sessions. Ms. Rosalind soon suggested they begin spending additional time together socially, and Ms. Cheney agreed. Before long, they became fast friends, spending significant social time together on evenings and weekends, visiting clubs, going to movies, or visiting local restaurants.
After several months, the two had a falling out about a gentleman both women favored. Ms. Rosalind filed a complaint with the regulatory agency in her state about the relationship.
Please be sure to address all of the following in your assignment:
Introduce the case study and analyze the implications of the events in the scenario.
Investigate the harmful effects of such a relationship on all parties involved: Ms. Rosalind, the helping relationship, and Ms. Cheney.
Discuss both the social and emotional impacts of such a relationship as well as their effects on the treatment relationship. Use specific examples.
Discuss the likely outcome of Ms. Rosalind’s complaint if it was filed in your state.
Analyze strategies to minimize the likelihood of such a relationship arising in your practice.
Please review and follow the assignment requirements in the next tab titled Assignment Details


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