Draft 1: Critical Analysis assignment (Introduction and Thesis Statement): Gener


Draft 1: Critical Analysis assignment (Introduction and Thesis Statement):
General Directions for the Critical Analysis (CAP) Assignment Concept and Prompt Sheet for Movie Review of “Living Old” in America
Directions: Watch the
 Frontline movie/documentary, “
 (Links to an external site.)
Living Old.”
 (Links to an external site.)
 Please review documentary and jot down or make notes of how the below concepts, themes, topics, or ideals are played out in the movie. You must include the cover page in accordance with the below directions and a reference page for source verification.
Draft 1 of your Introduction and Thesis Statement will be graded and feedback will be given. Following the feedback, you will be given a period of time to make those changes for additional points in accordance with the Upper Division Writing University Requirements.
Thus, this portion (Introduction and Thesis Statement) of the CAP assignment should be about 1.5 to 2 pages (not including cover or reference pages) and should be typed, double-spaced following the American Psychological Association’s (APA) style. Students should have a minimum of 2-4 citations and matching references for this portion of the CAP assignment.  Students must have a citation/reference from the Handbook on Aging and the Hillier & Barrow textbook in order to meet the goals and spirit of this assignment. Students must also cite the video/documentary. 
The key here is that you adequately and sufficiently address the following issues outlined in the prompt(s) as presented below and integrate as many of the following concepts, themes, ideals, images, theories, or frameworks depicted in the movie/documentary. Please include a cover page titled, “A Critical Analysis assignment of Living Old in America.”
Documentary Key Analysis Areas and Basis of Thesis Statement
Using the concepts, themes, ideals, images, theories, or frameworks as a conceptual guide, please review the movie/documentary, “Living Old”
 (Links to an external site.)
 and discuss clearly in a narrative form how the movie/documentary illustrates all of the elements or concepts outlined below. You may use the key concepts, terms, themes, ideals, images, topics, ideas, theories or frameworks below to explain how these concepts can be integrated to determine your understanding of such concepts in a synthesized and critical manner about the movie/documentary.
Please be able to explain how such terms are reflected in the movie/documentary and give clear and supportive examples of each from the movie to demonstrate your level of understanding. Some concepts may not apply. However, students should make every effort to include as many concepts in their analysis as possible.
I have provided a sample outline for your assignment for your guidance:
Introduction: Provide a broad overview of the literature about aging, old age, and issues and problems associated with an aging society in relationship to the documentary. A special focus on those 85 and older would be appropriate to discuss statistically and their impact on the health care system and families. You may cite statistics and other prevalent data to show the reader what can be expected in terms of the population increase of elders and what this might mean to elders themselves, family caregivers, the health care system, and society in general. Additionally, you may want to discuss special issues or problems associated with women and minority elders. Finally, you will want to discuss as people live longer, they will live with chronic illness but eventually, die. A discussion about the choices people have in deciding when to end their lives, whether they should get more health care treatment, and the problems caused if these decisions are not made early or medically necessary should be explored as well.
Thesis Statement: (Your thesis statement should be the last paragraph of your introduction and should reflect what you plan to discuss in your assignment and in that exact order). Ex. Therefore, this Critical Analysis will explore the issues of aging experienced by the oldest-old and their family caregivers as depicted in the Frontline documentary, Living Old (2006), and the issues particularly associated with women and minority elders. Additional discussion of end of life issues and whether or not elders and their families are prepared for the inevitable will be explored in relationship to the right to die and the bereavement process.
Thesis Topics to be addressed in your draft 2 assignment and by concepts in your thesis statement are:
Topic 1 Subheading: Issues of the Oldest-old
Topic 2 Subheading:  The Role of Women and Ethnic Issues of the Aged
Topic 3: Subheading: Issues Around the Process of Death and Dying
References (Use the APA style to cite and reference sources and you should have at least 3-4 references). Please do not number your references. This draft should be 3-4 pages including a cover page and a reference page.


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