Project Management Openings  This case will address the changing human capital l


Project Management Openings 
This case will address the changing human capital landscape in the industry.
State of the Industry
Using research from the last 18 months, deliver a comprehensive analysis of staffing concerns in the project management industry. (2 pages)
Reskilling and Upskilling
Using research from the last 18 months, explain how reskilling and upskilling can fill gaps in the project management industry in the coming years. (3/4 of a page)
Remote Work and Global Talent
Using research from the last 18 months, explain how remote work and global talent can fill gaps in the project management industry in the coming years. (3/4 of a page)
Another Chosen Solution
Using research from the last 18 months, explain how another solution (you select) can fill labor gaps in the project management industry in the coming years. (1/2 of a page)
No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation.
Since you are engaging in research, cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric. 
This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate. 


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