In the Week 2 Dataset 1 [DOCX], find baseline data for the youth who have ent


In the Week 2 Dataset 1 [DOCX], find baseline data for the youth who have entered the program. From this data, identify all of the variables represented and input the data into an Excel file. Save the file as a “comma separated values” (.csv) file and open this .csv file in JASP. Make sure to modify the data types of each variable to the correct scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, or scale).
Refer to the JASP Tutorial Video: Adjusting Data Types (Nominal, Ordinal, Scale)Links to an external site. for help.
Save your .jasp file and upload it for grading.
Note that you are not completing any analysis at this point in time. You are simply practicing entering data in Excel and saving it in a format that is then opened in JASP. You need to demonstrate the ability to identify the correct level of measurement for each variable.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Apply leadership skills, ethical use of technology and research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs in the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings. (C4.SP.A)
Devise accurate datasets. (C4.SP.A)
Describe and report the statistical method or test outcomes using the appropriate statistical method or test. (C4.SP.A)
Competency 2: Analyze and respond to ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods. (C4.SP.B)
Enter appropriate statistical data that assists in program evaluation. (C4.SP.B)
Competency 3: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
Apply critical thinking in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology. (C4.SP.B)
View RubricIdentifying and Inputting VariablesIdentifying and Inputting VariablesCriteriaRatingsPtsDevise accurate datasets. (C4.SP.A)7.5 ptsDEMONSTRATEDYES0 ptsNOT_DEMONSTRATEDNO/ 7.5 ptsEnter appropriate statistical data that assists in program evaluation. (C4.SP.B)7.5 ptsDEMONSTRATEDYES0 ptsNOT_DEMONSTRATEDNO/ 7.5 ptsDescribe and report the statistical method or test outcomes using the appropriate statistical method or test. (C4.SP.A)7.5 ptsDEMONSTRATEDYES0 ptsNOT_DEMONSTRATEDNO/ 7.5 ptsApply critical thinking in verbal and written communication through the use of leadership and technology. (C4.SP.B)7.5 ptsDEMONSTRATEDYES0 ptsNOT_DEMONSTRATEDNO/ 7.5 pt 


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