Student Success Projects are designed to utilize critical thinking skills requir


Student Success Projects are designed to utilize critical thinking skills required in health care professions. Each week you will be required to analyze a health care scenario and apply critical thinking skills. This will require use of your own words summarizing the project requirements. Please review the “Generative AI Use Policy” below for further instruction.
Student Success Projects are graded on two components: 1/ Project requirements and 2/ Personal reflection. Both components are required for every Student Success Project.
Project Requirements:
Chapter reading and module lessons introduced employee care and patient safety. Chapter 11 identified 7 common health care workplace hazards.
Workplace violence
Consider a recent or current work environment. Were there hazardous conditions present, like those presented in readings and lessons? Keep that thought in mind to use while you create your ideal medical work environment, whether at a facility or remote setting.
For this project:
Using at least 300 words, create and describe your ideal medical work environment that you would be happy to work in, and
Then identify in your summary at least three of the 7 hazards identified, and
How you plan to prevent that hazard in your ideal setting.
Submit your project summary.
Personal Reflection:
With a separate submission, reflect on the setting you created. Summarize with at least 100 words what you learned from this assignment in preparation for your health care profession. Submit your reflection.
All project submissions must include your name, the date, the course number, and the professor’s name. Two separate submissions are required.
Repeating the instructions, including required header information, or indicating a citation does not count towards the final word count requirement of the project. For further guidance, reference “Files” for sample projects, attend the live lecture or view the recording, or communicate with your course instructor.
Generative AI Use Policy
DeVry recognizes the importance of AI as a tool for learning and its responsible use in the classroom. Before using any Generative AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT, GrammarlyGo, Bard, Dall-E, etc.), you must get specific permission from your professor. Any assignment going through Turnitin will now be identified if there was use of Generative AI.


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