Assignment Overview:
This discussion-based assignment is designed to facilitate in-depth engagement with evidence-based practice (EBP) by critically examining a clinical problem and exploring evidence to guide potential solutions. Through peer interaction, students will deepen their understanding of EBP principles, refine their critical thinking skills, and enhance their ability to evaluate research evidence for clinical application.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to foster a collaborative learning environment where students apply evidence-based methodologies to address real-world clinical problems.
Skills: Students will utilize structured tools like the EBP matrix to strengthen their ability to evaluate and implement evidence-based interventions in nursing practice which is an important skill for an advanced practice nurse in healthcare.
For the purpose of this discussion, students will utilize structured tools like the EBP matrix to strengthen their ability to evaluate and implement evidence-based interventions into practice.
After the completion of this assignment, the student will be able to:
Identify a clinical problem and formulate a focused PICO question.
Conduct a systematic literature review to locate high-quality evidence.
Use the Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP Tool to evaluate and categorize evidence based on its level and quality.
Develop an evidence matrix summarizing findings to support clinical decision-making.
1 1.1e-g, 1.2f, 1.2j, 1.3d-f, 2.2h, 2.3f-g, 2.5j, 2.6i-j, 2.9g, 3.3e, 4.1h-j, 4.2f-g, 7.2h-i, 9.2i, 9.6h
Task: For this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to critique the role of the DNP in the use of an assigned evidence-based practice (EBP) model and apply it to a chosen practice problem.
This assignment is intended to be a discussion and interaction among peers. Please follow APA formatting/structure for all other aspects of the discussion. Peer reviewed journal references are required for your postings and will strengthen your points within the discussion (see rubric).
This discussion question will be “worth” a total of 15 points of your overall grade for this course. Grading will be assigned by the faculty based on the quality and content of your posts; your level of participation in the discussion will be considered in the grading. Students are expected to cross post to at least 2 peers in the discussion. Your cross post should provide a substantial posting that offers new or additional information to what was originally discussed. Including “I agree” or “nice work” comments do not constitute as a substantial cross post and may affect your grade.
Discussion Limit: The initial post should be approximately 500 words. The cross post should be approximately 250 words. Expected word counts do not include references.