Mare sure you use proper citations to support your argument. APA format is prefe


Mare sure you use proper citations to support your argument. APA format is preferred.⚠️
Based on what you read about homeopathy in the PPT slides, what is an example of a homeopathic drug found in the pharmacy? How do you determine if it is homeopathic based on the nutrition label? Please provide a picture to support your argument. How did info in the PPT slides change your opinion on homeopathic drugs in terms of their effectiveness? Why don’t homeopathic drugs normally have side effects and “are very safe” (+7 pts)? Please make sure you do not confuse yourself between homeopathic medicine and herbal/natural medicine. Be clear about its definition first.
Proper handwashing can prevent infectious diseases such as the common cold, influenza, tuberculosis, chickenpox, and measles, yet according to a study 67% of public toilet users in the US don’t wash their hands at all, and only 5% of people wash their hands thoroughly enough to rid themselves of pathogens or bacteria on the hands. The correct technique, according to Center for Disease Control (CDC), has 5 steps: rinse hands in warm water, wash with soap and rub for 20 seconds, rinse again, dry with a paper towel, turn off the tap using a paper towel. Alcohol based hand sanitizers are also effective in killing most pathogens.
Below is a graph showing the result of a study conducted on one hundred 4th-graders. Students were divided into 4 equal sized groups and washed their hands using different types of techniques. The bacteria on each hand were then quantified by transferring them to a growth media with a sterile cotton swab. The results (number of bacterial colonies) represent the average values. Based on this graph:
a). What is the independent variable? what is the dependent variable? (+2 pts)
b). Name two standardized variables. (+2 pts)
c). What are the control and treatment groups? (+2 pts)
d). Which technique seems most effective? For S. epidermidis what percentage of the bacteria were removed? (+2 pts)


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