For this discussion assignment, you will need to watch a TED Talk by Ray Anderso


For this discussion assignment, you will need to watch a TED Talk by Ray Anderson and read a short article from the NYT. Both are linked to below.
TED Talk by Ray Anderson:

and NYT article that is uploaded below
As you’re reading/watching, consider these questions and make notes:
1. What are the main conclusions (thesis statements) of each text?
2. Where are the authors in agreement?
3. Where do the authors disagree?
4. Ultimately, which of the two is more compelling? Why?
5. What are some relevant stylistic differences?
Write an initial post of 500 words in which you compare and contrast the two texts. Use transitional words like similarly, differently, however, etc. to illustrate connections among your ideas and points. For list of transitional words and phrases, you can visit the Purdue OWL pageLinks to an external site. on transitional devices.


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