In this written assignment, you will examine each of the three types of nursing


In this written assignment, you will examine each of the three types of nursing theory-grand, middle range and micro-range using the required format listed in this weeks Module. Due to the nature of this assignment, research may be older than 5 years. Provide at lease 3 references.
Step 1
Write a two-page (minimum) paper, not including the title page or the reference page. For all professional papers, you will need a title page, an introduction paragraph, the body with research, a conclusion and a reference page. All format must be in 7th edition APA.
For the intro of your paper, address the following objective:
Briefly introduce the idea of nurse theory.
What will the reader expect to learn in this assignment?
Avoid first person.
For the body of your paper, address the following objectives and separate using distinct paragraph headings and research proven by in-text citations that match your references:
Define and/or describe grand, middle range, and micro-range nursing theory. For each type of theory, give one theorist and his or her theory as an example using research proven by in-text citations.
Which theory are you most likely to use in your practice? Explain your reason.
Which theory would you like to incorporate more into your practice in the future? Explain your reason.
For the conclusion of your paper, address the following objective:
Restate main points of the paper without introducing new information.
When you submit this assignment, your paper will automatically run through a plagiarism checker build into Canvas called Unicheck. This will formulate a similarity report and will give you a percentage. If you percentage is greater than 25%, please review the report and see where you are flagged for similarity.


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