The Quality-Safety Project Poster is a project designed to expose you to the fol


The Quality-Safety Project Poster is a project designed to expose you to the following processes:
1) identifying a quality-safety problem in the clinical arena;
2) using quality tools to analyze issues; and
3) determining an action plan (nurse-led protocol) to address the issues/problems.
You may collaborate in teams of 2-3 students or complete this assignment individually but keep in mind there is a voice over presentation with this assignment.
Posters should be completed in PowerPoint not Publisher. I will post separate resources for how to format your poster in PowerPoint in the course resources.
The overall goals are to engage in the quality improvement process, realize the value of evidence- based practice and reflect upon how nurses at the bedside can assist in transforming/impacting healthcare.
Your poster is about educating and presenting the latest and greatest research on a particular issue or problem that you identify on your nursing unit. You will be suggesting ways to improve or change the problem based on the most current evidence in the nursing literature. The result will be a nurse-led protocol aimed at improving the quality of care on your unit.
The topics are endless, find something that is important to you or ask your manager if there is a quality issue on your unit that they can suggest for you to study.
Some potential topics include fall prevention, lowering CRBIs, early management of post- partum bleeding, antimicrobial stewardship, preventing ventilator associated pneumonia, restraint safety, preventing alarm fatigue, preventing delirium, pressure ulcer prevention, improve hand-off communication, the list goes on and on!
Please be sure to review the poster rubric and poster examples that are posted.
Please include the following
1) Descriiption of the Problem (Problem Statement)
Introduce the problem. Describe the significance of the problem. Why is it important to study/explore this issue or concern?
According to the CDC, Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is described as a bacterial lung infection in patients on a mechanical ventilator for longer than 48 hours (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017).
It is the most common Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) in mechanically ventilated patients and carries with it a significantly increased risk of mortality (Villar et. al., 2016).
2) Purpose and Rationale
This is a brief explanation of what you are going to accomplish and what are you going to explore by researching this issue. Basically, the goal of your poster.
Identify methods for preventing the development of VAP with an aim of improving patient safety. Nursing interventions such as endotracheal tube care and oral hygiene, as well as emerging technology in the realm of endotracheal secretion management will be discussed. Or
Identify and implement a protocol for the management of ???? utilizing evidence- based practice to improve the quality of care for this group of patients.
3) Review of the Evidence based Research Literature/Synthesis of Evidence: Complete a thorough review of the literature related to the clinical problem of interest. What does the literature say about this problem? What does the literature suggest as best practice to improve safety and or quality of care for this issue or problem?
• Be sure to utilize at least 4 -5 references from the nursing and medical literature that were written within the last 5 years – references must be research-based. Textbooks and Wikipedia cannot be used as references. (Full citation in APA format of your literature review will be posted under the Reference list.)
Brushing the patient’s teeth with 0.12% CHX gel twice daily has shown to decrease the number days the patient is ventilated (de Lacerda Vidal et al., 2017).
Use of 2% CHX oral care products at least 4 times per day can significantly decrease the amount of bacteria in the oropharynx surrounding the ET tube (Villar et al., 2016).
4) Proposed Change in Practice: What is your recommendation for how to change current practice based upon the literature?
Initiate a VAP protocol which includes the following:
Perform oral care 4 times daily with CHX oral products
Brush the teeth of ventilated patients with 0.12 CHX gel every 12 hours.
5) Evaluation: Brief descriiption of how you will evaluate the success of your protocol. Will you review charts? Look at infection rates?
6) Reference List
Provide full citations of your literature in APA format in this section.
After you complete your Poster, now you will create the video and upload to the assignments folder. The grade is based on the criteria found in the Rubric below.
Refer to the PP instructions for Virtual Classroom Meeting on how to record your project. You may use Zoom, Virtual classroom meeting or any recording product that will upload and has high quality. Please upload the URL link to the “Poster Presentation Folder” under the “Assignments” tab on D2L.
g. Everyone is expected to view and respond to at least five videos. Students will complete 1 peer critique using the scoring rubric.
h. You may choose to work on this project in groups but please share the presentation equally.


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