The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the ways my school( and community use technology and to share what my and my mentor Ms Miles (and school/district/charter management organization (CMO) do with technology to engage your students in learning. Over the past few years with distance and hybrid learning, the way that teaching, learning, and technology intersection has rapidly changed.
In 3-5 double-spaced pages maximum, reflect on the following prompts to share how you are using and leveraging technology.
We use, phone and text messaging, and emails. Our students have individual iPads that they use to access iready for math and reading.
Technology Context Prompt:
Describe your school and community context with respect to technology.
How is technology defined and used in your school context? What kinds of tasks is technology used for?
How do students and family define and use technology?
What funds of knowledge do students and/or families bring around technology?
What opportunities exist around access to technology? What barriers exist?
Classroom Technologies Prompt:
Describe how technology is used in your classroom during various phases of the instructional cycle.
How are you and your mentor using technology in the phases of teaching: planning, instruction, data analysis, and reflection? To what extent does your shared use of technology embody the ISTE Standards (educators, students)?
What are the ways technology is used to deepen/support content specific learning?
Uses of Technology to Support the Whole Child Prompt:
Describe how technology supports the whole child through creating access for student learning and cultivating positive partnerships with families.
Student Learning
What is one strategy, tool, resource, or platform used by you and your mentor that has a positive impact on student learning and advance equity and justice in your classroom? In what ways have you seen this technology impact student learning?
Family Communication:
How are you leveraging technology to build relationships and communicate with families?
Critical Reflection Prompt:
Describe how your perspective or beliefs about technology and classroom practices around technology have shifted to advance equity, justice, and student learning in your classroom.
What is something you would like to change or adjust in how you and your mentor use technology? Why? How does this change better align with your philosophy of education? The ISTE Standards (educators, students)? How might this change positively impact student outcomes and advance equity and justice in your classroom?
If you have any questions or any confusion, please message me right away. Thank you!