WK7: Short Workplace Application Paper: Confidentiality Confidentiality is criti


WK7: Short Workplace Application Paper: Confidentiality
Confidentiality is critical in situations such as workplace investigations or performance and disciplinary action issues. Maintaining confidentiality can be particularly challenging when certain information has to be divulged to others so that all involved parties can be heard and all pertinent information can be evaluated (part of Due Process). A human resource professional must be able to strike a balance between preserving employee confidentiality and completing a thorough investigation that is fair to all parties.
Scenario: You are the HR Manager in a reputable company. One of the employees, Evie, sees you in the break room and tells you about “some nasty emails” she has received from a co-worker. She laughs a little and says “yeah, crazy Larry says some pretty wild things and likes to curse a lot! Several of the girls get the emails and say he’s harmless. I sure hope so!” When you tell Evie you will investigate the matter, she becomes frantic and pleads with you not to do anything. Should you investigate the complaint further even though she asked you not to? Why/why not?
Can you promise Evie complete confidentiality? Why or why not?
Write your answers to these questions in essay format providing thorough explanations for your responses and referencing course material and outside research. The paper should be no more than 1 page maximum if single-spaced; no more than 2 pages if double-spaced.
No need for a cover page. Simply put your name and date on the first page, top left.
Cite your sources in-text and in a list at the end of your paper.
Follow the rubric attached as a guide.


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