This assignment has two parts #1 Download and open the application at the follow


This assignment has two parts
#1 Download and open the application at the following link in Visual Studio: to complete this discussion.
This application has multiple errors in the code. Find and correct at least three errors (Note: the application has more than three errors, so if you are up for the challenge, go ahead and continue to find additional errors). Briefly describe the errors you found, along with how you corrected the errors. Share with the class the technique(s) that you used to find and correct the errors.
If you found more than three errors, how many total errors did you find?
#2/ In this practice exercise, you will develop a one-page ASP.NET Core MVC web application that calculates the future value. Follow along with the instruction sheet and Panopto videos provided for the Future Value Practice Tutorial. The videos will guide you step-by-step through developing your own web application using ASP.NET Core MVC. Click on the following link to access the written instruction sheet for Practice 2-1; follow along with the instructions as you complete the Series of Videos. You may want to print these instructions for easy reference.
Practice 2-1 Future Value Instructions
Video Instructions for Completing Practice 2-1 Future Value
01 Practice 2-1 Start a new MVC web app named Ch02FutureValue (10min 53sec) 02 Practice 2-1 Add a controller to the Ch02FutureValue app (9min 48sec)
03 Practice 2-1 Add a razer view named Index to Ch02FutureValue (9min 18sec)
04 Practice 2-1 Configure the app in Program.cs, select Kestrel web server, and run and debug Ch02FutureValue (21min 30sec)
05 Practice 2-1 Add a model to the Ch02FutureValue application (9min 23sec)
06 Practice 2-1 Add a Razor view imports page to Ch02FutureValue (7min 33sec)
07 Practice 2-1 Modify code of Home/Index view to include the FutureValueModel (15min 21sec)
08 Practice 2-1 Modify the HomeController to work with FutureValueModel and handle both GET and POST requests (10min 34sec)
09 Practice 2-1 Add a custom.css file to the wwwroot/css folder in Ch02FutureValue (3min 53sec)
10 Practice 2-1 Add a Razor layout and Razor view start to create a default layout for Ch02FutureValue (8min 56sec)
11 Practice 2-1 Include data validation to validate user input for Ch02FutureValue (12min 1sec)
12 Practice 2-1 Format validation and display Future Value (in Index.cshtml) in a (7min 30sec)
13 Practice 2-1 Allow end user to input Tax Rate then calculate Tax Amount and Future Value after Tax Deductions (15min 49sec)


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