PLEASE make sure to follow ALL of the directions. If you are not the best at APA formatting, then this may not be the assignment for you. If you do like to research and add references, this is not the assignment for you. This teacher is very picky when it comes to how the students turn in the assignments. You going to need to peer review references, and this assignment can be written in simple language. There is no need to use the big fantasy wording. Let me know if I forgot to send you a document. Each reference that is used must be assessable to me. It must include the URL so I can go back and read the material of the reference. If I think the reference is irrelevant to the topic, I will ask for it to be replaced with a more relevant one. I would love for you to keep me updated and I would like for you to return the paper back to me as early as possible so I can review it and allow time for editing. I do not think you need the book for these questions book I could be wrong, if you do I will send screenshots of it, just let me know.