PEST Analysis Organizations are influenced and affected by what happens in the


PEST Analysis
Organizations are influenced and affected by what happens in the environments around them.  The foundation of any good marketing plan begins by scanning these environments.  The marketing environments we consider in this class are:
 scan the above PEST-C environments and discuss what issues are impacting the Office of Faculty Development  of a college now, or may impact it in the future, both short-term and long-term.  
Please no suggestions for strategy, but just to identify relevant issues in these areas.  Also, don’t be afraid to venture outside of this specific “industry”, as you may find inspiration in other areas.
Some things to think about are: (1) What laws or policies have affected Faculty Development and might affect them in the future? 
2.  What are the elements of the economic landscape that are coming into play now, or what are they projected to be in the future?  
3. How might that affect Faculty Development of a college?  
4. What are elements of the social landscape, what are the implications for Faculty Development in a college, and how might that be changing?  
5.How is technology used now?  What changes in technology might impact Faculty Development in the future?  
6. Who does, or may, Faculty Development compete with, directly or indirectly?     
All emphases should be made from a college/university setting.
N/B:  2 pages, 12 pt Times New Roman font, with a 1 inch margin on all sides. cite at least two sources in MLA format (Both Butler’s OWL and Purdue University’s OWL have great resources).  


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