(Original Content Only) (1200 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (Bibli


(Original Content Only) (1200 words) (APA) (In-text citations are a must) (Biblical integration must be included) (Explain how specific biblical scriptures relate to these questions)
Text must be cited: Daft, R. L. (2021). Organization theory & design (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9780357445143.
1. Discussion Board Post: Submit a thread in response to the following questions:
Chapter 4: How do you think planning in today’s organizations compares to planning in an organization 25 years ago? Do you think planning becomes more important or less important in a world where everything quickly changes and crises are a regular part of organizational life? Why?
Chapter 4: Is changing the organization’s domain a feasible strategy for coping with a threatening environment? Can you think of an organization in the recent news that has changed its domain? Explain.
Chapter 6: Compare the descriptions of the transnational model described in Chapter 6 to the elements of the learning organization described in Chapter 1. Do you think the transnational model would work in a huge global firm?
How can/should a biblical worldview be applied?
2. Public Administration Policy/ (Goal is to be a Forensic Accountant for NYPD) (Original Content Only) (2 Pages) (APA in-text citations are a must) (Must be written in APA format)
Describe how you plan to use the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program and Walden resources to help augment your desired skills and experiences.
What things are most important to you to gain from your MPA experience? What resources might you need to attain those goals? Review the MPA Capstone requirements. Describe your initial thoughts on what you might want to do for your Capstone Assignment. (Note: You will have ample time to consider your capstone decision. This component is only an initial thought and may change as you continue through the program). What positive social change do you hope to effect? AppendixInclude a reference list, and a draft resumé as an appendix, both in APA format. For the resumé, use the headings from the “Resumé Checklist”on the Walden Career Services page entitled “Resumés and More” by following the link to “Walden Resumé Resources” Additional headings may be used but are optional for this assignment. Note: Blank out personal information, such as phone numbers.
3. Final Project topic: Juvenile Gang Violence In New York City
(Original Content Only) (PowerPoint slide format) (I will do the narration, just need the PowerPoint slides and information) (Example of Policy Field Map is attached) (Example of Juvenile Gang Violence Outline is attached)
At a minimum, the following elements must be included in the group Final Project PowerPoint slides:
Policy field map [Week 3]
Data presentation, e.g., pie chart, bar graph, scatter plot, etc. [Week 6]
Bullet points must build, using the animations function in PowerPoint
Notes pages used in PowerPoint. Note: Even though you are providing narration to your video/PowerPoint presentation, please include the following: Write detailed speaker notes for each PowerPoint slide to complement the slide content. Speaker notes should be clear, in-depth, and function as augmentation to the slide material.
These notes should be written with sufficient depth to allow someone else to deliver the presentation. Make sure the PowerPoint presentation reflects graduate-level writing and presentation standards and has professional-looking graphics and appropriate font style.
he group Final Project presentation requirements include the following. Note: It is imperative that you read the “Final Project Overview” in the Learning Resources to fully understand each of the following requirements. You should also view the “Final Project Example” in the Learning Resources.
1) Select a real-world location.
2) Select one of the four broad policy topics below. Then, research current issues within that broad topic area, and select a specific issue that requires a policy solution in the location chosen in Step 1.
Environmental sustainability
Public safety
Public health
3) Select, or create, a public organization from the location in Step 1 that would be involved in the policy topic from Step 2. Then include the following:
Describe the issue that required a policy solution and provide some basic background.
Present the proposed policy. Present the relevant stakeholders, sectors, and actors, and describe how you will promote involvement and participation from these entities. Describe which policy instrument/s will be most appropriate to accomplish the proposed policy outcomes. List the resources (fiscal, human, technological, etc.) that will be necessary to implement the policy. Describe how accountability and transparency will be promoted. At a minimum, the following elements must be included in the PowerPoint slides:
Policy field map Data presentation (e.g.: pie chart, bar graph, scatter plot, etc.)
Bullet points must build, using the animations function in PowerPoint
Speaker notes must be added to each slide in the PowerPoint


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