Now that you have digested information about Math Talks through reading and view


Now that you have digested information about Math Talks through reading and viewing, it’s time to try your hand at building a set of plans for facilitating them. Linked to this assignment is a packet that contains planning pages for a week of Math Talks. Use these to plan a set of talks that focus around a concept in mathematics appropriate for an age/stage of learner that you have chosen. You will need to review the NC Standard Course of Study in Mathematics to see, specifically, what students in different grade levels should be able to do. Keep in mind that Math Talks can (and should) focus on reviewing concepts and ideas from earlier in a student’s mathematics career to reinforce and facilitate the thinking component. You will see that on the daily plans, a few items may be able to be pulled from the first day’s plan and tweeked a tiny bit to fit the specific problems you have selected for focus on that day. You should feel free to print the pages and write the plans by hand (legibly), scan them, and upload them into the submission link.


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