My research question is “ What factors influence the survivor after a heart atta


My research question is “ What factors influence the survivor after a heart attack? ”
Task 1. Select a research question and find data to support your research.
Instruction: You must address the feedback you received in previous projects. Note that a good research question
does a comparison (then the method should be hypothesis testing) or finds relation and correlation (then the method
will be regression).
Task 2. Once you get the data you need, conduct a research review and write a literature review.
Instruction: You must address the feedback you received in previous projects. Note that notes on writing extensively
show how to conduct a literature review, particularly example 3.2.
Task 3. Given the data you gathered for your research question:
a. b. Visualize data and describe them in a few paragraphs.
Decide if you need to use Hypothesis testing, Regression/Correlation, Logistic
Regression, or Mathematical programming for your research.
i. Write a few paragraphs on why you use that method.
c. Use either of the methods in part b for your research and report on what you did in a few
paragraphs. It is best to report everything and have a few pages written.
The reference used is


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