INSTRUCTIONS Scenario: You are viewed as an expert in educational technology and have been asked by your principal to plan and conduct a 10-minute presentation for parents on the possible dangers of social media apps targeting children. The principal’s goals are to: • Inform parents of what is happening in the complicated digital world where children are concerned. • Demonstrate the types of challenges children are facing with actual recent news stories. • Express the importance of parental monitoring. • Equip parents with tools they can use for decision-making and monitoring. 1. For your presentation, identify three or more apps of particular concern for educators and parents that are potentially dangerous for children and teens. Avoid apps that are already commonly known (e.g., TikTok, Snapchat, etc.) unless you focus on a new danger recently identified in the news for these apps. Do your best to identify apps that are new on the scene. For each app identified: • Provide a brief description along with an image of the app. • Reveal two or three possible risks for each app when used by school-age students. • Include at least two news items as evidence of the app’s risks and dangers to children. Limit your browser search to news items published/produced within the last six months. 2. You must also present information from both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and your state’s attorney general to support your claims. a. Using the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s What We Investigate link provided with this assignment, browse the podcasts, press releases, and videos for resources (current, within the past 12 months) that address issues related to each of your three apps. In your presentation, reference and insert a direct link to a minimum of one relevant FBI resource for each app you cover (a minimum of 3 required). b. Using the National Association of Attorneys General link provided with this assignment, search for your state’s attorney general website. To find the AG for your state, click on “Find my AG,” then use the “Filter by State” option to select your state. With a new section of the presentation, include the name of your state’s attorney general and contact information. and then share examples of information and news items on your attorney general’s website regarding children and Internet/social media risks. Any sources pulled from must be current, meaning they were published within the last 12 months. Encourage parents to contact the attorney general to recommend additional safeguards for children. In your presentation, insert a direct link to any attorney general resources referenced. 3. In the next section of the presentation, discuss warnings and safeguards that should be put in place for child safety on the internet. a. Use personal experience and current news items (published/produced within the last six months) to support the warnings and safeguards you propose. b. Also, use current professional literature (published within the last 12 months) such as journal articles and research to support your claims. To do this, limit your search in the Jerry Falwell Library to dissertations, theses, and journal articles. 4. Conclude your presentation with endorsements of the best parental monitoring tool and content blocking tool. a. It is suggested you gain actual experience with these two tools by requesting a free trial of the tools you select. b. In your presentation, briefly defend your recommendations based on features, cost, etc. Build the slide show portion of your 10-minute presentation using PowerPoint or Google Slides. Your presentation must include audio narrations recorded within the presentation software’s audio record feature. The audio portion of your presentation must emphasize the significance of the concerns that are being discussed in this assignment. The audio quality must also be clear without distracting ambient noise. There must be smooth audio transitons within the presentation. The final presentation must be professionally formatted with quality slide design based on standardbest practices for presentation design. It must include a title slide, references slide(s) for any sources cited, and a credits slide with any needed copyright attributions for images, etc. Use current APA formatting for in-text citations and citations within the references and credits slides. To submit this assignment, generate a shareable link to your narrated presentation either through OneDrive (for PowerPoint) or through the sharing features of Google Slides/Google Drive. Ensure the permission settings of your shared presentation will allow anyone with the link to view the presentation. Copy and paste the shareable link to your presentation in the assignment submission area for this assignment. You must review the Apps and Young Users: Warnings and Safeguards Grading Rubric to understand the areas in which you will be graded for this assignment. Take specific note of how the 10-minute time length requirement is assessed under the “Length” row of the rubric to ensure your presentation meets the required time.