In approximately 1 page, analyze an aspect of “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Cho


In approximately 1 page, analyze an aspect of “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin. The question you are trying to answer is what does the author accomplish and how OR what do you notice in the text and how does it suggest meaning?
Paragraph 1: summarize the short story. Be sure to mention title, author and genre. Briefly describe what the main action/struggle in the story is and how it is resolved. End with a thesis where you say what meaning making tool you are addressing.
Kate Chopin wrote “The Story of an Hour” in 1894. The struggles of her female protagonist reflect the societal constraints of the time. The story begins with Louise Mallard hearing the news that her husband has been killed. Louise retires to her bedroom where she looks out the window is struck with the realization that she is free. Upon hearing that her husband is in fact alive, Louise dies, showing the devastation of her reality.
Ex: In the short story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, the contrast of interior and exterior descriiption reveals Louise’s oppression and desire for freedom. Paragraph 2: Explain what meaning is made/what point is conveyed/what effect is achieved and how (what literary choices does the author make to do this)? This should include a TOPIC SENTENCE to clarify your point (similar to your thesis), elaboration on that idea if necessary, and support in the form of quoted text and your own unpacking of that text. Take your time and be specific. What do you see/notice? What does it do?


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