Follow the directions bellow for this writing assignment. 1) Select a reading so


Follow the directions bellow for this writing assignment.
1) Select a reading source you enjoyed reading such as a book (historical fiction or fiction acceptable), short story, news/magazine article, article from a particular website (ex. Sea World article about Whales), Blog post, etc. Can be on any topic of your choice, such as special interest, sports, education, politics, computers, world news, climate, nature, hobby, history, animals, diet/health, recent news, etc., but it needs to be a type of publication written by a specific author, not just website material (such as general or introductory information).
Note: No videos permitted, must be reading material. 2) Write a strong synopsis (which is a paragraph of about 6-8 sentences) to describe your Good Read to those who have not read your selection, so they know what it is about.
3) Next, write at least 2-3 sentences to tell us: a) Why you chose this read
b) What you liked most about it
4) Give your Good Read a rating out of 5 stars. and tell us in at least 1-2 sentences why you gave your read the rating that you did. 5) Cite your source using APA citation.


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