Each student will have an individual topic chosen from under one of the categor


Each student will have an individual topic chosen from under one of the categories of disability under IDEA. The focus of the report will require students to design a case study of a child with special needs. The paper should be 5-7 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page and should include an initial section of overview information and then a section about the case study. While some candidates may have access to a child to use for the case study, the majority of candidates will be asked to create a hypothetical “textbook” case study meaning a case study whose characteristics are backed up by the research on the disorder. The report must include the following:
Research the disorder with a minimum of 5 sources (class texts required, current professional journals, websites)
Overview – Discuss the following factors as they are related to a specific disability:
Definition and description of disorder
The causes, diagnostic tools and treatments associated with the disorder,
Developmental milestones of children with this disability as compared to children without this disability. Focus on milestones within these areas: Sensory, motor, social-behavioral, cognitive, language, speech
Case Study – Educational program specifically addressing your case study
Family History and cultural background of the case study?
How does this disability impact a student’s educational needs?
What are the student’s strengths, interests and protective factors?
What learning style may best suit this child, what classroom accommodations and modifications should the teacher use to support the student’s needs?
What should we expect regarding testing modifications or related services
Social/ Behavioral needs specifically addressing your case study
How might this disability affect relationships in the home and school?
What strategies should be in place to support this child’s behavior, self-esteem and friendship?
Hi, can you make sure i’m replying to these questions. and add 5 sources to my essay(read the instruction) you can make up the story however you want. thank you. Let me know if you have any questions. I have the textbook if you dont have access. it’s a must to use. here is the book, Adapting Early Childhood Curricula for Children with Disabilities and Special Needs
Ruth E. Cook, M. Diane Klein, Deborah Chen


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